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Small Sample Reactivity Worth Calculation: Comparison of Serpent2 and TRIPOLI4 Perturbation Techniques

3:15–3:40PM MDT

Federico Di Croce (SCK CEN), Pierre Leconte (CEA), Federico Grimaldi (SCK CEN), Antonin Krása (SCK CEN), Pierre-Etienne Labeau (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Jan Wagemans (SCK CEN)

Revisiting the Reactor Period Capabilities in TRIPOLI-4®

3:40–4:05PM MDT

Cecilia Montecchio (CEA), Davide Mancusi (CEA), Vincent Lamirand (Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland), Wilfried Monange (IRSN), Andrea Zoia (CEA)

Multi Cycle Core Follow Calculations for Hanbit Unit 3 Using the McCARD/MASTER Code System with ENDF/B-VII.1 and ENDF/B-VIII.0 Evaluated Nuclear Data Libraries

4:05–4:30PM MDT

Park Jeong Woo (Kyung Hee Univ.), Ho Jin Park (Kyung Hee Univ.)

Developing a Nuclear Quality Assurance Compliant Design Methodology for Neutronic Analysis of Xe-100 Design

4:30–4:55PM MDT

Mehmet Turkmen (INL), Paolo Balestra (INL), Matilda Åberg Lindell (INL), Nathan M. George (X-energy), Gokhan Yesilyurt (ANL)


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