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Polygonal Functional Expansion Tallies Using Transformed Zernike Polynomials

1:00–1:25PM MDT

Joseph F. Specht (Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), April J. Novak (Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

Using Moment-Based Functional-Expansion Tallies to Construct the Linear Discontinuous Finite-Element Flux in Tetrahedral-Mesh Monte Carlo Simulations

1:25–1:50PM MDT

Pablo A. Vaquer (LANL), Michael E. Rising (LANL), Joel A. Kulesza (LANL), Colin A. Weaver (LANL), Simon R. Bolding (LANL)

Working with Bézier Curves as Nonorthogonal Bases for Functional Expansion Tallies

1:50–2:15PM MDT

Micah D. Gale (INL), Patrick C. Shriwise (ANL), Paul P. Wilson (Univ. Wisconsin, Madison)

Does Inherent Randomness in Monte Carlo Transport Calculations Mitigate the Effect of Poor Random Number Generators?

2:15–2:40PM MDT

Gibson D. Prall (Univ. New Mexico), Christopher M. Perfetti (Univ. New Mexico)


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