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A Hybrid Cross Section Generation Method Using Monte Carlo Codes for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Nodal Diffusion Analysis

1:00–1:25PM MDT

Jake Smith (Georgia Tech), Dan Kotlyar (Georgia Tech)

Clarification on the Various Methods of Calculating the P1 Transport Cross Section Using Monte Carlo Codes

1:25–1:50PM MDT

Vidor H. Lujan (Georgia Tech), Bailey Painter (Georgia Tech), Dan Kotlyar (Georgia Tech)

Multigroup Cross Section Generation with the Shift Monte Carlo Code

1:50–2:15PM MDT

Tara M. Pandya (ORNL), Friederike Bostelmann (ORNL), Donny Hartanto (ORNL), Steven P. Hamilton (ORNL), Matthew A. Jessee (ORNL), Nicholas P. Luciano (ORNL), Tarek Ghaddar (ORNL)

Implementation of the Iterated Fission Probability Method in OpenMC to Compute Adjoint-Weighted Kinetics Parameters

2:15–2:40PM MDT

Joffrey Dorville (ANL), Luke Labrie-Cleary (Copenhagen Atomics), Paul K. Romano (ANL)


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