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A Study of Temperature Feedback in the DARWIN Core Concept with Comparison of Monte Carlo and Deterministic Approaches

10:00–10:25AM MDT

Anze Mihelcic (Jozef Stefan Institute), Dušan Čalič (Jozef Stefan Institute), Luka Snoj (Jozef Stefan Institute)

On-the-fly Temperature Treatment Routine for Unresolved Resonance Probability Table Sampling in Serpent 2

10:25–10:50AM MDT

Jaakko Leppänen (VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland)

Convergence Analysis on Large Scale Models Simulated Using the GUARDYAN-SUBCHANFLOW Coupled Code System

10:50–11:15AM MDT

Elod Pázmán (Budapest Univ. Technology and Economics), David Legrady (Budapest Univ. Technology and Economics), Gabor Tolnai (Budapest Univ. Technology and Economics), Tamas Hajas (Budapest Univ. Technology and Economics)

Multi-Material Cell Treatments in the LLNL Imp IMC Code

11:15–11:40AM MDT

Evan S. Gonzalez (LLNL), Patrick S. Brantley (LLNL), Matthew J. O'Brien (LLNL)


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