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A Hybrid SN-Diffusion Method for Control Rod Modeling

3:15–3:40PM MDT

Sun Myung Park (Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign), Kathryn D. Huff (U.S. Dept. of Energy), Madicken Munk (Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)

Response Matrix Equivalence Method Based on Relaxed Flux Continuity Equation and its Application to Reflector Homogenization for Diffusion Calculations

3:40–4:05PM MDT

Sami Machach (Polytechnique Montréal), Alain Hebert (Polytechnique Montreal)

High-Accuracy Critical Radii Analytic Expressions for Spherical Reflected Systems Based on Discontinuous Asymptotic Diffusion Theory

4:05–4:30PM MDT

Shay I. Heizler (Hebrew Univ.)

Adaptive Mesh Refinement of the Domain Decomposition+𝐿2-Jumps Methodapplied to the Neutron Diffusion Equation on 3D Structured Meshes

4:30–4:55PM MDT

Mario Gervais (CEA), François Madiot (CEA), Minh-Hieu Do (CEA), Patrick Ciarlet (ENSTA)


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