See you in Denver!

Nestled at the gateway to the Rocky Mountain National Park, the M&C 2025 host city, Denver, Colorado, is known for its breathtaking mountain scenery, world-class museums, vibrant and diverse culture, and its unparalleled craft breweries. We hope you can join us in this beautiful setting to enjoy a technical program full of cutting-edge research.

The International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C 2025) is part of a series of topical meetings organized by the Mathematics and Computation Division of the American Nuclear Society. M&C conferences, held every two years, represent a series of international forums organized and sponsored to bring together worldwide expertise related to nuclear science or technology, including mathematical and computational methods, numerical analysis, computer codes, computer architectures, and benchmarks for computationally solving problems in all disciplines encompassed by the Society.

Come see our Speakers
Peak Performances!

Piero Ravetto
Politecnico di Torino

Dr. Alireza Haghighat
Virginia Tech

Attention Authors

You are invited to submit your work for a special issue of the ANS journal Nuclear Science and Engineering. Click the + for more information.

M&C 2025 call for journal papers

M&C 2025 has partnered with the ANS journal Nuclear Science and Engineering (NSE) to publish a special issue of papers derived from the conference.

**Submission window: open now with a deadline of July 30, 2025.


  • Your submitted paper should be derived from your conference work but must be updated to include final/broader results and a full description of the methods/technology. There is no restriction on length. Please follow submission guidelines listed here.
  • Your paper will go through the standard journal peer review process. This invitation is not a guarantee of acceptance or publication.
  • Please be mindful of the article type when submitting your paper. See the descriptions online here.
  • Standard publication in NSE is free of charge, while open access publication is available for a fee ($2,990 per paper).
  • Accepted papers are published online ahead of print, immediately following copyediting and typesetting—usually within 6 to 8 weeks. The compiled special issue will follow, with print publication estimated for Q2 2026.

Click here to submit. Please select “M&C 2025” from the list of special issues.

Questions? Email nse@ans.org.

Thank you again for attending M&C 2025, and we hope you participate in this special issue opportunity!

Our very best,

Dr. Christopher Perfetti
M&C 2025 General Chair

Dr. Farzad Rahnema
Editor, Nuclear Science and Engineering

A Special Thank You to Our Sponsors

A Special Thank You to Our Exhibitors