This workshop will revisit several of the MCNP6.2 new features and tools as well as a sneak preview of many of the new features and improvements included in the upcoming MCNP6.3 code release that are most relevant to the nuclear radiation protection and shielding communities. While the finer details of the workshop will be forthcoming, a few of the topics to expect at this workshop include:

  • An overview of MCNP with respect to current and future application-driven code development activities at LANL
  • Review and demonstration of previously released MCNP6.2 features and tools
    • Correlated fission physics integrated through CGMF and FREYA
    • Intrinsic Source Constructor (ISC) for source definitions of radioactive material compositions
    • MCNPTools capabilities for improved access and analysis of MCNP outputs
  • New upcoming MCNP6.3 features and improvements
    • HDF5-based outputs including the restart file (runtpe), particle track file (ptrac), fmesh tally file (meshtal), unstructured mesh elemental edit file (eeout), and surface source read and write files (wssa/rssa)
    • Modern parallel-capable and highly efficient particle track buffer and output capability (ptrac)
    • Multigroup cross section generation through new special treatment tally options
    • Several speed and memory-usage performance improvements generally targeted toward large unstructured mesh burn-up applications
    • Automated and expanded V&V testing for many applications

Participants will be provided with workshop slides, examples and any corresponding documentation. Instructors will be available to discuss participant questions regarding the workshop materials and their specific application needs.


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