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Uncertainty Quantification in High-Low Dynamic System Coupling Using RAVEN and TRANSFORM

W.C. Williams (ORNL), V. Kumar (ORNL), W. Gurecky (ORNL), D. de Wet (ORNL)

Validation of the Coupled CUPID/MERCURY Code using Thermo-Mechanics and Thermal-Hydraulics Coupled Test Data from ICARUS

Hyun-Sik Park (KAERI), Jong-Rok Kim (KAERI), Seung-Jun Lee (KAERI), Hyo-Chan Kim (KAERI), Sang-Ki Moon (KAERI), Han-Young Yoon (KAERI)

Coupled Simulation of Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Subjected to Pressurized Thermal Shock (PTS) Using Cardinal

Yiqi Yu (ANL), April Novak (ANL), Dillon Shaver (ANL), Elia Merzari (Penn State)


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