Codes, Data, and Methods Lightning Talks
Nuclear Criticality Safety Division Topical Meeting (NCSD 2022)
Technical Session
Monday, June 13, 2022|2:25–2:45PM PDT|Laguna A
Theresa E. Cutler (LANL)
Catherine M. Percher
These Lightning Talks will be presented at the conclusion of the NCSD Opening Plenary.
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Revision to SCALE Procedure for Verified, Archived Library of Inputs and Data (VALID)
T.M. Greene (ORNL), W.J. Marshall (ORNL)
Cyclone -- Monte Carlo Data Processing and Visualization
Stewart Hay (Cerberus Nuclear), Carl Hughes (Orthrus Software), Peter Taylor (Orthrus Software)
Verification of MCNP Critical Benchmark Model of U233-COMP-THERM-004
Riley Bulso (LANL), Jennifer L. Alwin (LANL), Robbie MacQuigg (LANL), Ray Sartor (LANL), Jennifer Arthur (LANL), Wim Haeck (LANL), Kristina Y. Spencer (INL)
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