Operational Practices
Nuclear Criticality Safety Division Topical Meeting (NCSD 2022)
Technical Session
Tuesday, June 14, 2022|10:15AM–12:00PM PDT|El Capitan A
Leah Berman (LANL)
Dallas Moser (Y-12)
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Domestic and International Standards for Nuclear Criticality Safety -- Overview and Status
Douglas G. Bowen (ORNL)
Y-12 Nuclear Criticality Safety Program Health Model: Development, Use and Benefits
Paul F. Gubanc (Amentum Technical Services), Michael J. Crouse (Consolidated Nuclear Security)
Triennial Assessments Program at Los Alamos National Laboratory
James J. Kuropatwinski (LANL), Hannah Morbach (LANL)
Presented by Theresa Cutler (LANL)
Detection of a Slow Kinetic Criticality Accident by the Radiation Protection Monitoring System
Olivier Ravat (Orano Melox)
The CAAS-3S Next-Generation Criticality Accident Alarm System
S. Philips (Mirion Technologies), J. Kirkpatrick (Mirion Technologies), J. Lagana (Mirion Technologies), M. Detriche (Mirion Technologies), A. Gallozzi Ulmann (Mirion Technologies), N. Houfflain (Mirion Technologies)
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