Patterned after the highly successful closing plenary of ICNC 2019, the closing plenary of NCSD 2022 will provide a forum for each of the leaders of the 10 different technical tracks to present an overview of the papers discussed in their sessions share any emerging issues or themes with the broader NCS community. Each track representative will give a 5-10 minute highlight discussion. The meeting will be closed with preview presentation on ICNC 2023, which will be held in October of 2023 in Sendai, Japan.

NCSD 2022 Technical Tracks:

Track 1: Lessons Learned in Nuclear Criticality Safety- Accidents, infractions, and lessons learned.

Track 2: Decontamination and Decommissioning- Recovery, restoration, and their respective challenges.

Track 3: Interesting Anomalies in Nuclear Criticality Safety- Non-intuitive phenomena, unexpected results, and interesting stories.

Track 4: Operational Practices- Operational criticality safety activities and applications.

Track 5: Fuel Storage, Transportation, and Disposal- Burnup credit, transportation needs, and storage issues.

Track 6: Experiments and Benchmarks- Measurements, experiments, and benchmarks.

Track 7: Codes, Data, and Methods- Analyses, validation, and sensitivities/uncertainties.

Track 8: Nuclear Criticality Safety for LEU+/HALEU- Response to growing needs for increased uranium enrichment.

Track 9: Knowledge Transfer- Education, Professional Development, and Training.

Track 10: Innovative Technologies and Thinking- Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, etc.


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