ANS is committed to advancing, fostering, and promoting the development and application of nuclear sciences and technologies to benefit society.
Explore the many uses for nuclear science and its impact on energy, the environment, healthcare, food, and more.
Division Spotlight
Materials Science & Technology
The objectives of MSTD are: promote the advancement of materials science in Nuclear Science Technology; support the multidisciplines which constitute it; encourage research by providing a forum for the presentation, exchange, and documentation of relevant information; promote the interaction and communication among its members; and recognize and reward its members for significant contributions to the field of materials science in nuclear technology.
Meeting Spotlight
ANS Student Conference 2025
April 3–5, 2025
Albuquerque, NM|The University of New Mexico
Standards Program
The Standards Committee is responsible for the development and maintenance of voluntary consensus standards that address the design, analysis, and operation of components, systems, and facilities related to the application of nuclear science and technology. Find out What’s New, check out the Standards Store, or Get Involved today!
Latest Magazine Issues
Mar 2025
Jan 2025
Latest Journal Issues
Nuclear Science and Engineering
April 2025
Nuclear Technology
Fusion Science and Technology
Latest News
State legislation: Illinois bill aims to lift state’s remaining nuclear moratorium
A bill that would fully repeal the state’s entire moratorium on new nuclear projects survived a key deadline in the Illinois General Assembly last week.
To stay afloat in the spring legislative session, bills needed to be assigned to committee by March 21, and state Sen. Sue Rezin’s Senate Bill 1527 now sits with the Senate’s Energy and Public Utilities committee for review.
View a printable PDF of the Bookletor view all the award recipients below.
Opening Plenary Awards
In recognition of his outstanding technical leadership in nuclear engineering and plant operations. As Vice President of Engineering at Southern Nuclear, his hard work and vision have produced significant contributions to both nuclear operations and construction. He has become a major industry leader in guiding and addressing the most critical issues facing the long-term health and success of the entire US nuclear fleet.
In recognition of developing one of the earliest complete analyses of the thermal-hydraulic phenomena during the Three Mile Island Unit 2 accident. He improved the models for nuclear power system performance and accident simulation. He upgraded Probabilistic Risk Analysis tools and introduced significant improvements in the application of risk-informed licensing practices.
In recognition for his leadership in the U.S. of nuclear cross section evaluations leading to improved simulation performance across the range of nuclear applications; renowned contributions to modeling of plutonium fission; international leadership in nuclear science and technology; and substantial and enduring individual technical contributions to the nuclear enterprise.
In recognition for his outstanding accomplishments and leadership in radiation materials science and engineering. His expertise in microstructural analysis and interpretation of atomic-scale defects on changes to macroscopic-scale properties of metals underpins the development of innovative materials needed for spallation neutron sources, advanced fission and fusion reactors, and other energy applications.
In recognition for his sustained and significant technical contributions to the state-of-the art research in modeling nuclear power plant behavior during design basis and beyond design basis accident scenarios that made it possible to increase efficiencies and power levels at operating nuclear power plants.
In recognition for her outstanding leadership, both nationally and internationally, leading to the advancement of fission reactor systems and fusion technologies.
In recognition for his sustained contributions to the advancement of methods and algorithms for computational radiation transport impacting critical software assets at the NNSA and nuclear energy national laboratories, and their innovative application in the analysis of high energy density and reactor physics systems.
In recognition of her exceptional contributions to the nuclear fuel cycle and nuclear waste management mission by developing and demonstrating innovative nuclear energy technologies that have significantly advanced the scientific, engineering, policy, and regulatory aspects of the nuclear enterprise.
In recognition of revolutionizing 21st century nuclear power with the design of an innovative passively-cooled, USNRC-licensed small modular reactor and by co-founding NuScale Power.
In recognition of his technical leadership in advancing the safety case for accident tolerant fuel and cladding and in paving the way for licensing of advanced nuclear reactors.
In recognition of his leadership in advancing the state of the art and breadth of impact of computational nuclear engineering.
In recognition for his seminal contributions applying atomistic simulation techniques to predict governing phenomena in nuclear materials including fuel performance and the radiation tolerance of ceramic waste forms.
In recognition of advancing small reactor deployment opportunities by designing new space reactors, microreactors, and moderating material for low instead of high enriched uranium fuel.
ANS President’s Special Session Awards
For over ten years of dedicated leadership and service as an associate editor (2008–present) and as technical editor (2019–2020) at a critical juncture for Nuclear Science and Engineering, a peer-reviewed journal of the American Nuclear Society.
For her leadership in getting the Energy Act of 2020 passed and signed into law.
For her leadership in fulfilling the expanded mission of the Professional Divisions Committee as set forth in Change Plan 2020. She has brought diverse Division leadership together to effectively identify and collectively solve problems, to share information and ideas, and to expand lines of communication among Divisions, the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors.
In recognition for his exemplary leadership and lifelong dedication to efforts that advanced a wide range of technical and policy initiatives improving nuclear safety standards across the industry.
In recognition for his outstanding leadership and extraordinary contributions to the American Nuclear Society.
Awards Presented Elsewhere
For outstanding leadership and dedication during her term as President of the American Nuclear Society (ANS). During her term, Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar led ANS through unprecedented challenges as the Covid-19 pandemic upended “normal.” She worked tirelessly through the new virtual world to keep the ANS membership involved and engaged in their professional society. She advocated effectively for the value of nuclear technology – “Nuclear is good for you!” - while challenging the Society to consider ideas and perspectives outside the mainstream. For this and other contributions to ANS and the nuclear community it represents we thank Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar for her service.
In recognition of three decades of leadership and service in meeting the clean energy needs of the global community.
Presented by ANS President Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar during the NEI’s Nuclear Energy Assembly in June 2021.
Division-Administered Awards
In recognition of outstanding contributions to the field of robotics and remote systems technology and service to the ANS Robotics and Remote System Division.
For excellence and leadership in applied reactor physics research and development for advanced reactor designs.
In recognition of his significant contributions to mathematics and computation in nuclear engineering which are the development of novel transport algorithms and linear and non-linear solvers that have enabled the use of next-generation GPU architectures for production-level, Monte Carlo and deterministic neutronics simulations on HPC systems.
In recognition of 38 years of demonstrated leadership in chemical separations research in support of nuclear fuel recycle technologies and radioactive waste treatment.
For his unwavering support of FCWMD, including his efforts to support ANS students and early-career researchers in fuel cycle and waste management.
In recognition for his outstanding contributions to the nuclear industry’s human factors community, especially in the areas of human reliability analysis, system design and evaluation.
In recognition for his leadership in technical training, effective control room and operations design, human factors research, and developing 3-D interactive “environments” for student learning.
In recognition of his outstanding technical contributions to the field of measurement science including instrumentation, control, and data science.
In recognition for her contributions to the research and development community for nuclear science and technology with emphasis on instrumentation and control and cyber security requirements and controls.
In recognition for academic excellence in nuclear engineering education and exemplary service in national educational activities supporting professional engineering licensure.
In recognition for outstanding contributions to education in the field of nuclear engineering in the spirit of Arthur Holly Compton - a scientist, teacher, and national leader.
For leading technical contributions to nuclear safety and service to the community through teaching, conference organization, and ANS committee work.
For excellent contributions to and leadership in the development of probabilistic risk assessment standards and mechanistic source term technology for existing and advanced reactors.
ANS’s Scholarship Program demonstrates our commitment to educating future professionals. The scholarships recognize the academic excellence of graduate and undergraduate students studying in a nuclear field for the 2021-2022 academic year. This year, ANS awarded $157,000 in scholarships to 59 recipients. This is possible largely due to generous donations from ANS members, Professional Divisions, individuals, and the commitment of the ANS Board of Directors.
ANS Incoming Freshman
Tucker H. Bundy - Idabel High School (OK)
Sarah E. Cole - Mountain View High School (ID)
Rory M. Coll - Leonardtown High School (MD)
Alexander T. Edwards - Bob Jones High School (AL)
Carly E. Evans - Walled Lake Northern (MI)
Jonathan Liu - Saint Joseph High School (IN)
Lane M. Scheel - Palmyra-Eagle High School (WI)
Michael Shiwbaran - Central Park East High School (NY)
Jasmine C. Walker - Copley High School (OH)
Gabriel W. Watson - Anderson County High School (TN)
ANS Undergraduate (Sophomore)
William A. Graham - North Carolina State University
ANS Undergraduate (Junior/Senior)
Christian A. Arguello - University of New Mexico
Hayden S. Bland - North Carolina State University
Anthony G. Bowers - University of Massachusetts Lowell
Grayson S. Gall - North Carolina State University
Jacob M. Halpern - Purdue University
Tyler J. Lewis - Purdue University
Charles McSwain - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Robert H. Mendleski - Texas A&M University
Mitchell L. Mika - University of Florida
Kogan L. Powell - Utah State University
Anthony F. Tom - University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Angelo F. Bisesti Memorial Scholarship
Noah M. Higgins - North Carolina State University
Raymond DiSalvo Memorial Scholarship
Alisa K. Machiwalla - Kennesaw State University
William R. & Mila Kimel Nuclear Engineering Scholarship
Jack W. Fletcher - Missouri University of Science and Technology
Laura J. Shi - University of California, Berkeley
John R. Lamarsh Memorial Scholarship
Kaylee M. Cunningham - University of Florida
Abigail M. Davis - North Carolina State University
Hans P. Loewen Memorial Scholarship
Sophia L. Morton - Oregon State University
Accelerator Applications Division Scholarship
Joseph Naser HFICD Undergraduate Scholarship
Shana L. Johnson - North Carolina State University
Operations and Power Division Scholarship
Benjamin M. McNeely - University of Massachusetts Lowell
Katy J. Worrell - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Fusion Energy Division Dr. Kenneth R. Schultz Undergraduate Scholarship
Joshua M, Hoffman - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Broderick M. Sieh - Kansas State University (Honorable Mention)
Rudy Stamm’ler Undergraduate Reactor Physics Scholarship
Timothy M. Kiefer - North Carolina State University
ANS Graduate
Eli J. Boland - Missouri University of Science & Technology
Adam Darr - Purdue University, West Lafayette
Ahmed Moustafa - North Carolina State University
Kathryn A. Mummah - University of Wisconsin-Madison
Rittu S. Raju - The University of Michigan
Ashley R. Raster - Missouri University of Science and Technology
Ghada Shkoukani Alqous - North Carolina State University
Sarah R. Stevenson - University of California, Berkeley
Samuel O. Webster - North Carolina State University
Paige K. Witter - Colorado State University
Everitt P. Blizard Graduate Scholarship
Madeline L. Lockhart - North Carolina State University
Robert A. Dannels Memorial Scholarship
Emily H. Vu - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Decommissioning & Environmental Sciences Division Graduate Scholarship
AbdulsalamI Shakhatreh - Virginia Tech
Ely M. Gelbard Graduate Scholarship
Hadyn Kistle - Texas A&M University
Alan F. Henry/Paul A. Greebler Memorial Scholarship
William C. Dawn - North Carolina State University
Gavin K. Ridley - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lawrence E. Hochreiter Graduate Scholarship
Adam Kraus - Pennsylvania State University
Saul Levine Memorial Scholarship
Katelyn C. Cook - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Michael J. Lineberry Graduate Scholarship
Kaelee A. Novich - Boise State University
Nuclear Criticality Safety Pioneers Scholarship
Kristin N. Stolte - Texas A&M University
Fuel Cycle & Waste Management Division John D. Randall Scholarship
Hannah K. Patenaude - University of Nevada, Las Vegas
James F. Schumar Scholarship
Lorenzo Vergari - University of California, Berkeley
Robert E. Uhrig Graduate Scholarship
Vincent P. Paglioni - University of Maryland, College Park
Vogt Radiochemistry Scholarship
Madison N. Allen - University of Tennessee Knoxville
NEED Scholarships
John and Muriel Landis Scholarships
Madison N. Bushloper - University of Florida
Alexander S. Hauck - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Miriam A. Kreher - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ryan P. McGuire - Virginia Commonwealth University
Gibson D. Prall - University of New Mexico
Sierra A. Tutwiler - Virginia Commonwealth University
Nontraditional Student Scholarship
Teyen Widdicombe - University of Idaho
Community College/Trade School Scholarship
Kent Hamlin Memorial Scholarship
Michael J. Bircher - Columbia Basin College
Thomas C. Oberhausen - Lakeland Community College
Local Section Scholarships
ANS Oak Ridge / Knoxville Local Section Undergraduate Scholarship
ANS Oak Ridge / Knoxville Local Section Graduate Scholarship
Madison S. Ratner - University of Tennessee - Knoxville
Pittsburgh Local Section Graduate Scholarship
Pittsburgh Local Section Undergraduate Scholarship
Veronica Heyl - North Carolina State University
Washington, DC Local Section Jeffrey A. Gorman Undergraduate Scholarship
Joshua M. Hoffman - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Washington DC Local Section George P. Shultz and James W. Behrens Graduate Scholarship
Arturo Cabral - Virginia Commonwealth University
William Searight - Pennsylvania State University
Washington Internships for Students of Engineering (WISE) ANS Sponsored Interns
Zachary T. Deziel - NASA
Robert Brent Renfrow - Lipscomb University
The Alpha Nu Sigma National Honor Society, established by the American Nuclear Society’s Education, Training and Workforce Development Division, recognizes high scholarship, integrity, and potential achievement among outstanding degree-seeking nuclear engineering students at institutions of higher learning. The following individuals have been inducted into the Alpha Nu Sigma National Honor Society in 2021:
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ali Aljefri
Zoe Lilah Fisher
Justin Kunimune
Lige Liu
Zhuo Liu
Thanh Nguyen
Gavin Ridley
William Robb Stewart
Ralph S. Wiser
Yuan Zhu
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Casey Henry Burton
Qiyun Cheng
Lauren Elizabeth King
Dante Mariano Mancinelli
The Ohio State University
Pearle M. Lipinski
Tomás Mallmann Paganin
Tyler Jake Osterhout
Corbin Winningham
United States Military Academy (West Point)
Cameron James Barlow
Vincent Alexander Gasparri
Enrique Ignacio Gonzalez
Joseph Wesley Maddock
Amanda Leigh McDonough
Luke Edward Sanders
Valentina Marie Vincent
United States Naval Academy
Alexander I. Carter
Elizabeth Farnan
Nicholas Kennedy
Young-Uk Kim
Luke Leopold Lhota
Katelyn Majors
Nathan Joseph Matalavage
Calvin H. Mcdonald
Miss Madeline Isabella Prince
Sari Alkhatib
Katarzyna Borowiec
Michael Chakinis
Nicholas Arthur Dailey
Miss Jasmine Dinari
Moutaz Elias, PE
Roberto Fairhurst Agosta
Joshua Michael Hoffman
Ibrahim Jarrah
Alvin Joon Hon Lee
Nikhil Patel
Carly J. Romnes
Yanqin Zhai
Taiyang Zhang
University of Michigan
Damon Anderson
Miss Kaitlyn Elizabeth Barr
Adam Nathaniel Brusstar
Yucan Ding
Miss Marisol Garrouste
Juliane Kinney
Joshua Lathum
Aaron Thomas Arlyn MacDonald
Rowan Marchie
Jordan David Noey
Braden Jake Balsley Saltus
Christopher Dylan Thomas
Leo Tunkle
Saleh Afif Alafifi
Ragai Altamimi
Christian Alexander Arguello
Luke Baca
Malak Bani-Melhem
Kyle S. Beling
Dalton Irvin
Abhishek KC
Matthew J. Lazaric
Jennifer Leute
Dominic Lioce
Alexis Maldonado
Bobbi Merryman
Melissa Andrea Moreno
Jawad Ribhi Moussa
Benjamin Roy Murphy
Mekiel Olguin
Tara Lee Robertson
Gregory Alexander Ryba
Bruno Sa de La Rocque Guimaraes
Asmaa Salem
Steven Leif Showalter
Corey M. Skinner
Khaled Talaat
Michael John Tanguay
Daniel H. Timmons
Jeremy Vaughan
Dylan A. Weatherred
Colin Andrew Weaver
Christopher Wolfe
Promise Adebayo-Ige
Miss Annie McKenzie Berens
David Burgess
Sarah Creasman
Ethan Deters
Maj. Robert Boone Gilbreath, BSME, MS
Mrs. Karen Koop Hogue
Miss Katie Mae Karl
Samara Michelle Levine
Jana M. Starks
Ryan Charles Thier
Last modified June 17, 2021, 11:03am EDT