The purpose of these Accelerator Applications biennial meetings is to provide an international forum for discussing the various applications of particle accelerators. Meetings are focused on the production and utilization of accelerator-produced neutrons, photons, electrons and other particles for scientific and industrial purposes; production or destruction of radionuclides significant for energy, medicine, defense, or other endeavors; safety and security applications; medical imagining, diagnostics, and therapeutic treatment.

One of the great strengths of this series of meetings focused on Accelerator Applications is the dissemination of knowledge about the diverse applications of accelerators across the broad swath of nuclear science and engineering. The conference provides an opportunity for nuclear physicists, accelerator physicists, nuclear engineers, and other experts in the international community to meet and discuss their research face-to-face. These interactions can help establish good working relationships and collaborations to solve common problems across multiple disciplines.


General Chair:

Fredrik Tovesson (Argonne National Laboratory)

Program Chair:

Yong Wang (Los Alamos National Laboratory)