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Advancing SAPHIRE: Transitioning from Legacy to State-of-Art Excellence

1:00–1:20PM PDT

Stephen T. Wood (INL), Jordan T. Boyce (INL), Egemen M. Aras (NCSU), Asmaa S. Farag (NCSU), Mihai A. Diaconeasa (NCSU)

Enhancing the SAPHIRE Solve Engine: Initial Progress and Efforts

1:20–1:40PM PDT

Egemen M. Aras (NCSU), Stephen T. Wood (INL), Jordan T. Boyce (INL), Asmaa S. Farag (NCSU), Mihai A. Diaconeasa (NCSU)

Introducing OpenPRA's Quantification Engine: Exploring Capabilities, Recognizing Limitations, and Charting the Path to Enhancement

1:40–2:00PM PDT

Egemen M. Aras (NCSU), Arjun Earthperson (NCSU), Hasibul H. Rasheeq (NCSU), Asmaa S. Farag (NCSU), Stephen T. Wood (INL), Jordan T. Boyce (INL), Mihai A. Diaconeasa (NCSU)

OpenMHA: Open-Source Code for Creating Multi-Hazards Logic and Area PRA Models Considering Aging of SSCs

2:00–2:20PM PDT

Akram S. Batikh (NCSU), Mihai A. Diaconeasa (NCSU)

Evaluating PRA Tools for Accurate and Efficient Quantifications: A Follow-Up Benchmarking Study Including FTREX

2:20–2:40PM PDT

Asmaa Farag (NCSU), S. Ted Wood (INL), Arjun Earthperson (NCSU), Egemen M. Aras (INL), Jordan T. Boyce (INL), Mihai A. Diaconeasa (NCSU)


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