Award Recipients
Arthur Holly Compton Award in Education (ETWDD)
Richard T. Lahey, Jr.
Milton Levenson Distinguished Service Award
Ira Bornstein
Y. G. Post
Samuel Glasstone Award (ETWDD)
Oregon State University (First Place)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Second Place)
University of Maryland Third Place
University of Florida (Third Place)
Mississippi State University (Honorable Mention)
Oregon State University (First Place)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Second Place)
University of Maryland Third Place
University of Florida (Third Place)
Mississippi State University (Honorable Mention)
Ray Goertz Award (RRSD)
Karl E. Neumeier
Landis Young Member Engineering Achievement Award
John A. Bernard, Jr.
Landis Public Communication and Education Award
Philip A. Anderson
George C. Laurence Pioneering Award (NISD)
Norman C. Rasmussen
Saul Levine
Local Section Meritorious Award (ETWDD)
Idaho (Best Overall, Large)
Eastern Carolina (Best Overall, Small)
Idaho (ANS Local Section Exhibit, Best Section Management, Best Membership)
Long Island (Best Meetings and Programs)
Eastern Washington (Best Public Information and Education)
Meritorious Performance in Operations Award (OPD)
James E. O'Sullivan (Pennsylvania Power & Light Co.)
Team of: C. Chiu
W. Frick
B. Woods
J. Tate
S. McMahan
D. Niebruegge
V. Fisher
J. Salazar
B. Duncil
C. Elliott
W. Wilczek
M. Gutell
J. Moore
R. Waldo
G. Holloway
Southern California Edison Company (San Onofre Trip Reduction Task Force)
Mark Mills Award (ETWDD)
Medhat Wahba Mickael
Nuclear Historic Landmark Award
Westinghouse Nuclear Training Reactor Approved April
PIVER Approved November
Presidential Citations
General Electric Company Los Alamos
National Laboratory
Radiation Science and Technology Award (IRD)
Payasada Kotrappa
John C. Dempsey
Rockwell Lifetime Achievement Award (RPSD)
Herbert Goldstein
Seaborg Medal
Henry Hurwitz, Jr.
Henry DeWolf Smyth Nuclear Statesman Award (NEI)
Walker L. Cisler
Special Award
Louis Saint-Lebe
Standards Service Award
Walter H. D'Ardenne
Student Design Competition (ETWDD)
Ohio State University
James F. Curran, Mark S. Jarzemba, Albert L. Vest, Vijay Srinivasan
University of Tennessee
Evren Eryurek, Zhichao Guo, Daniel Hollebach, Anthony Hurst, Mohammed Ibn Khayat, John R. Olvera, Rick Summitt
University of Tennessee
Saleh Alafifi, Glenn Coppock, Stephan Dupourque, Ahsan Farooqi, Elvira Mealer, Michelle Taylor
Technical Achievement Award (THD)
Mamoru Ishii
Theos J. ("Tommy") Thompson Award For Reactor Safety (NISD)
Adolf Birkhofer
Walter H. Zinn Medal
Solomon Levy