Nomination Deadline

March 1

Presented at the

Annual Conference


Engraved Bronze Medal


The Walter H. Zinn Medal recognizes an individual for outstanding contributions to the advancement or implementation of nuclear technology. This award is to recognize notable and sustained technical contribution, leadership, or other service that has not been widely recognized.

Nominees may be from any nation, but they must not be deceased at the time the awardee is selected and need not be ANS members.

The award consists of an engraved medal. It is to be made no more frequently than once per year and is normally conferred during the ANS Annual Conference.


This award was established by the Operations & Power Division in 1976 with the inaugural award going to Walter H. Zinn, a pioneer in nuclear reactor development and the Society's first President, for his many contributions to the development of nuclear power. Subsequent recipients have been selected by the Operations & Power Division Honors and Awards Committee to recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions to nuclear power. In August 2018, the OPD and ANS H&A Committee elevated this award to a national Top Tier ANS award, and it was renamed the Walter H. Zinn Medal.

Selection Method

Nominations must include the completed nomination form accompanied by the following supporting documents:

  • A letter of recommendation from the nominator
  • A narrative summary (up to 1,000 words) including accomplishments, period of activity, and significance of achievements
  • A brief chronological resume and a list of relevant publications and patents, limited to two pages.
  • Letters of support recommended but not required (no more than five)

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