Nomination Deadline

March 1

odd years only

Presented at the

NURETH Topical Meeting

odd years only

Monetary Award



The THD NURETH Scholar award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to numerous International Topical Meetings on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics (NURETH) since 1980. The award recognizes sustained and exceptional contributions to the NURETH conference. The goal is to recognize both service and sustained technical contributions and build a culture of excellence around the conference.

Contributions may include:

  1. conference organization and/or
  2. sustained authorship, including sustained exceptional contributions to the thermal-hydraulics field published within the conference.

The award is presented every two (2) years and at the closest NURETH conference. The award consists of an engraved plaque. More than one recipient, but no more than three, may be named for each NURETH conference.


This award was established by the Thermal Hydraulics Division in 2013 (previously known as NURETH Fellow), and became a sanctioned ANS award in November 2024.

\The International Topical Meetings on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH) is the most important conference worldwide in the field of thermal hydraulics since 1980. It retains a loyal following across many continents. Following the example of the competitor ICONE (InternationalConference on Nuclear Engineering) conference (e.g., ICONE award).

Selection Method

This award recognizes an individual for exceptional and sustained contributions to the NURETH conference series and the thermal-hydraulics field in general.

Nominees (non-ANS members are also eligible) must meet the following two MINIMUM requirements:

  1. (Participation in at least six previous NURETH conferences as an author/coauthor or a TPC member.
  2. Publication of at least 20 papers at previous NURETH conferences, including at least one in a special edition of an archival journal for the NURETH conference. OR, at least five NURETH papers and service as TPC Chair/Co-chair or General Chair/Co-chair for one NURETH Conference.

All of the above criteria must be met for a candidate to be considered. In the event of nominations for more than two candidates meeting the criteria, the scholarly reputation and standing of the candidates in the community will be considered.

Nominations must include the completed nomination form accompanied by the following supporting documents:

  • A letter of recommendation from the nominator.
  • A narrative summary of about 1000 words that outlines the nominee's relevant accomplishments and a description of the significance of these accomplishments.
  • A list of ANS activities (including attendance and papers presented at NURETH, additional information can include but not limited to: presentations at ANS national and topical meetings, service on division committees, and dates of THD membership)
  • A brief chronological resume or CV
  • Letters of support are NOT allowed to simplify the nomination process

The THD Honors & Awards Committee, rather than the THD officers or Executive Committee, is responsible for reviewing the nomination packages and selecting an appropriate winner. If members of the THD Honors & Awards Committee are considered for the THD award, they recuse themselves from the selection process.

For more information, please visit the Thermal Hydraulics Division website.

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