Nomination Deadline

August 1

Verbal Recognition

Winter Conference

Plaque Presentation

On-site Ceremony


The Nuclear Historic Landmark Award identifies and memorializes sites or facilities where outstanding physical accomplishments took place that were instrumental in the advancement and implementation of nuclear technology and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

The historic event or activity must have successfully provided an essential contribution to, or basis for, subsequent peaceful application of nuclear technology or nuclear energy, and been a first of a kind, or provided a significant new departure.

The Nuclear Historic Landmark Award recognizes facilities that were placed in service 20 or more years ago. The designation of these sites is symbolized by an engraved bronze plaque for display at or near the original site. The plaque is presented by an official representative of the Society at an appropriate ceremony.


The first awards were selected in 1985 in groups by the Honors and Awards Committee. In 1988, the committee began considering nominations from outside the committee.

Selection Method

Nominees are evaluated by a subcommittee of the Honors and Awards (H&A) Committee. Favorable H&A recommendations are forwarded to the Society's Board of Directors for approval.

Nominations must include the completed nomination form accompanied by the following supporting documents:

  • A letter of recommendation from the nominator
  • A narrative summary of about 1,000 words providing clear identification of the project and/or facility by its correct name, and an appropriate short statement of the project and/or facility, accompanied by a lengthy explanation of its place in nuclear history.
  • Letters of support (support letters recommended but not required; no more than five)

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