Nomination Deadline

March 1

Presented at the

Annual Conference


The Fuel Cycle and Waste Management Lifetime Achievement recognize individuals who have made major lifetime contributions that significantly advanced the scientific, engineering, societal, or regulatory aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle and/or the nuclear waste management mission.

Nominees need to be longstanding ANS members at the time of nomination with a minimum of 25 years working in the field. It is normally presented to a member of the FCWMD, however any ANS member is eligible. Not awarded posthumously.

The award consists of a plaque which is presented at the ANS Annual Conference.


This award was established by the Fuel Cycle and Waste Management Division (FCWMD) and a Division-Administered award in 2014.

Selection Method

Nominations must include the completed nomination form accompanied by the following supporting documents:

  • A letter of recommendation from the nominator.
  • A narrative summary of about 1,000 words, including accomplishments, period of activity, and significance of achievements
  • A list of publications (if applicable)
  • A brief chronological resume
  • Letters of support recommended but not required (no more than five)

Worthy candidates will be selected by a subcommittee headed by the FC&WMD chair, and composed of the vice chair, treasury/secretary, and ex-officio chair.

The final decisions on candidates will be decided by vote of the FC&WMD executive committee.

For more information, please visit the Fuel Cycle and Waste Management Division website.

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