Nomination Deadline

May 1

Presented at the

Annual Conference

Monetary Award


divided amongst winning student sections


The Samuel Glasstone Award recognizes outstanding ANS Student Sections. The award consists of a certificate and a monetary award (up to $1,200 distributed amongst the recipients). It is presented after the ANS Annual Conference.


This award was established by ANS in 1969 when Dr. Samuel Glasstone contributed funds to the Society to be used specifically for an annual award to the outstanding Student Section of ANS. Dr. Glasstone's initial bequest specified that the award be given to that student section "which accomplished the most notable achievements in public service and the advancement of nuclear engineering." The Student Sections Committee (SSC) and Education, Training and Workforce Development Division (ETWDD) have interpreted this specification to emphasize student section activities both for external persons or groups as well as the student section members themselves. For example, the first few awards were made to sections who established a working speakers bureau on nuclear subjects for local high schools, civic organizations, etc., as well as arranging a balanced program (of lectures, tours, attendance at student and national meetings, etc.) directed to advance the nuclear engineering understanding of section members.

Other contributions by the early recipients have included extensive service at ANS conferences (which happened to be held in the school's city) and a tutoring program for minority students entering engineering study. It is hoped that future applications will not be limited to these examples, but will represent other imaginative contributions to the community.

Selection Method

Each Student Section is encouraged to submit a report of their activities highlighting the seven (7) activity areas outlined in the submission guidelines. The primary purpose of such a report is to share the activities of each student section with the others, helping all the student sections to expand and improve their programs. These reports will be used to evaluate the student sections for the secondary purpose of selecting the Samuel J. Glasstone Award recipients.

To facilitate this format, each student section is encouraged to create a professional document which minimizes the repetition of information and maximizes concise and complete reporting of all ongoing section activities which indicate a novel initiative on the part of the student section and distinguish it from other sections.

Submit reports in Word or Adobe Acrobat (pdf) format to with a copy to

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