Premier Individual Donors Honor Roll

Thank you to the following donors who each have contributed $5,000 or more to the American Nuclear Society throughout the years. Your invaluable support helps sustain our service to ANS members and the nuclear community.

Wayne L. Andrews, Jr.

Steven A. Arndt

Andrew S. Barritt

James W. Behrens

Edgar Berkey

Rita C. Bowser

Margaret S.Y. Chu

Joe F. Colvin

Eugene N. Cramer

Patrick F. Ervin

Vincent J. Esposito

Carl & Kathy Esposito Family

Marvin S. Fertel

Abel A. Garcia

Tsahi Gozani

Eugene S. Grecheck

Theresa Hamlin

H.M. Hashemian

David K. Hayes

Donald R. Hoffman

Ian B. Wall

Sushil C. Jain

W. Reed Johnson

Warren E. Keene

Hugh Kendrick

Andrew C. Klein

John Landis

Harry Lawroski

Michael J. Lineberry

John R. Longenecker

Gail H. Marcus

Thomas P. McLaughlin

Thomas E. Mistler

Sherry A. Mitchell

Toshio Morita

Mitsuyo Morita, in memory of Dr. Toshio Morita

R. Don Mothena

William L. Myers

William F. Naughton

E. Gail de Planque

Edward L. Quinn

Joseph J. Ruggiero

Stephen P. Schultz

Sarita Sehgal

William T. Sha

Arkal S. Shenoy

Rachel N. Slaybaugh

Kurt M. Taylor

Roger W. Tilbrook

Beverly Ann Tyreman

Valerie L. Putman

Ian B. Wall

Alan E. Waltar

John C. Williams

Brian N. Woolweber

Loyd A. Wright

Natalie Ann Yonker

2025 ANS Champions Honor Roll

Thank you to the following donors whose support helps further the Society’s mission to advance, foster, and spur the development and application of nuclear science, engineering, and technology to benefit society.

Patrons — $500+

Marvin Fertel

George Flanagan

Robert Lebo

William Myers

Benefactors — $250–$499

Carol Berrigan

Michael Elliott

Madeline Feltus

Charles Forsberg

Kenneth Schrader

Sandra Sloan

Advocates — $100–$249

Michael Bradley

Sacit Cetiner

Carol Cise

Harsh Desai

James Dishaw

Adam Kraus

Jay Langhurst

Robert Little

Sagid Salah

Finis Southworth

April Wade

Paul Wilkens

Gary Zeigler

Supporters — Up to $99

James Buckley

Larry Girvin

Trevor Hehn

Jack Housley

Timothy Isaacs

Art Peterson Jr

Peter Kuck

Steve McInnis

Elia Merzari

Eleodor Nichita

Tashiema Ulrich

William Ward

Benjamin Youman

2025 NSTOR Honor Roll

2025 ANS-ENS Ukrainian Nuclear Workers Humanitarian Fund Honor Roll

Corporate Gifts

Lightbridge Corporation

2025 ANS Newswire Fund Honor Roll

2025 Local and Student Section Challenge Honor Roll

Individual Gifts


Kaelee Novich

Robert Joseph Zerr

Thank you to the additional individuals who donated up to $99.

2025 Center for Nuclear Science and Technology Information Honor Roll

Thank you to the following donors whose contributions support the Center’s education and outreach efforts that inform, engage, and inspire audiences across the country, including educators, students and the public.

Individual Gifts


Scott Kilpatrick

Thank you to the additional individuals who donated up to $99.

Organization Gifts


ANS Operations & Power Division

Thank you to the additional organization that donated up to $999.

2025 Scholarships and NEED Honor Roll

2025 Scholarships Honor Roll

Thank you to the following donors whose contributions help provide the financial resources needed for undergraduate and graduate students to begin or continue their academic studies within a variety of nuclear fields.

Individual Gifts


David Blanchard

Robert Joseph Zerr

Thank you to the additional individuals who donated up to $99.

2025 NEED Honor Roll

Thank you to the following donors whose contributions help provide the financial resources needed for undergraduate and graduate students to begin or continue their academic studies within a variety of nuclear fields.

2025 Annual Fund Honor Roll

Thank you to the following donors whose contributions to ANS help support the annual operations of the Society, furthering our mission and important work.

Corporate Gifts

Thank you to the corporations that donated up to $999.

Individual Gifts

Thank you to the individual who donated up to $99.

2025 Giving Tuesday Honor Roll

2025 Corporate Matching Honor Roll

Thank you to the following companies that have matched their employees’ contributions to ANS in support of the Society’s work.

Legacy Circle Honor Roll

Thank you to the following donors for their lead support, honoring their commitment to ANS and to the nuclear field while helping to ensure the Society continues to advance nuclear science and technology.

President's Circle

William T. Sha — $20,000

With his lead Legacy Circle gift, William T. Sha continues his longstanding commitment to ANS. William joined the Society in 1964 and in 1984, he became an ANS Fellow, one of our highest honors. According to the Fellow nominating committee, William has “a distinguished record of achievement as the original thinker… of codes representing a quantum jump for advancing understanding of very complex physical processes.” Read more...

Valerie L. Putman

Individual Gifts

Jacob W. Anderson

Steven M. Baker

Sidney A. Bernsen

Sidney have been actively involved in many phases of the nuclear power program, starting in November 1952 when Sidney graduated From Purdue University with a PhD. During that period Sidney worked at Argonne National Laboratory for five years and was initially involved in the evaluation of nuclear reactors for the dual purpose of providing plutonium and power. Read more...

David L. Black

Jeffrey Buczek — $1,000

Robert D. Busch

Stuart G. Carpenter

Yoon I. Chang

ANS Fellow and member since 1972, started his career in the nuclear field at the Nuclear Assurance Corporation in 1971. He joined Argonne National Laboratory in 1974 and has been responsible for leadership of advanced reactor design and fuel cycle technology development activities in position of increasing responsibility including Read more...

John F. Conant

Eugene N. Cramer

An ANS member for nearly 60 years, Eugene Cramer founded the Emergency Communications Center for the San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station.

H. L. (Lee) Dodds, in honor of Pietro F. Pasqua

Still finding time to educate college students about nuclear energy, longtime ANS member H.L. (Lee) Dodds takes pride in guiding his students onto prosperous careers. Read more...

Vincent J. Esposito, in honor of R.A. Dannels

A 50-year member of ANS, Vincent J. Esposito has served on the Society’s committees and divisions, and spent a year as the ANS Congressional Fellow. Read more...

Guy P. Estes

Charles Forsberg

Eugene S. Grecheck

Bruce Hallbert

Margaret E. Harding

I’ve been in the nuclear field for nearly 43 years. My involvement has spanned industry, academia, and government. I’ve spent my career working on BWR fuel and licensing, safety analysis, and export control considerations as well as making nuclear communications a serious “hobby.” Read more...

Kenneth G. Hukari

Sushil C. Jain

Jain was the President and CEO of Empyrean until his retirement in May, 2022. He has served as an executive consultant in the energy industry on national and international levels. He has also served as a chairman and member of several safety review and oversight boards. He has been a long term benefactor/member of ANS and member of the US Nuclear Industry Council D&D Task Force. Read more...

Hugh Kendrick, in honor of J.R. (Bob) Beyster

Longtime ANS member Hugh Kendrick impacted the nuclear field with his contributions to nuclear materials safeguards and nuclear nonproliferation, thanks to the mentor he honors with his gift, J.R. (Bob) Beyster. Read more...

Andrew C. Klein

Dr. Klein is a professor in the School of Nuclear Science and Engineering at Oregon State University and serves on the Board of Directors for the American Nuclear Society. He has been a member of the faculty at Oregon State University since 1985. Read more...

Jacob M. Kulangara

Robert Lebo

John C. Lee

Warren F. Miller, Jr.

Tom and Joan Mistler, in honor of William Kimel

Joining ANS in the early 1960s, Thomas Mistler spent his career at Westinghouse Electric Company where he helped lead innovation, global expansion, government relations, and customer service. Read more...

Toshio Morita

William L. Myers

Hisashi Ninokata

Mark W. Noakes

Kevin R. O'Kula

Arvind D. Patel

Kenneth S. Petersen

H. Peter Planchon

Michael Z. Podowski

An ANS Fellow, Dr. Podowski's research and educational efforts have always been on promoting critical thinking to maximize scientific evidence behind any proposed new solutions in all areas of his interest. Read more...

John W. Poston, Sr.

Lifetime member John W. Poston, Sr. has been part of the ANS family for more than 40 years. Read more...

Edward L. Quinn

D. V. Rao

Raymond Sartor

Laura Scheele

A. Edward Scherer

An honorary life member, A. Edward Scherer has been an ANS member for more than 50 years. He is a participant of the Society’s Nuclear Installations Safety and Operations & Power professional divisions.

Michael J. Wallace

Robert C. Webb

William Arthur Wharton, III

Natalie Ann Yonker

George Zimmerman



Anonymous, in honor of Gerald P. Stone


2025 ANS Future Fund Honor Roll

Premier Individual Donors Honor Roll

Thank you to the following donors who each have contributed $5,000 or more to the American Nuclear Society throughout the years. Your invaluable support helps sustain our service to ANS members and the nuclear community.

Wayne L. Andrews, Jr.

Steven A. Arndt

Andrew S. Barritt

James W. Behrens

Edgar Berkey

Rita C. Bowser

Margaret S.Y. Chu

Joe F. Colvin

Eugene N. Cramer

Patrick F. Ervin

Vincent J. Esposito

Carl & Kathy Esposito Family

Marvin S. Fertel

Abel A. Garcia

Tsahi Gozani

Eugene S. Grecheck

Theresa Hamlin

H.M. Hashemian

David K. Hayes

Donald R. Hoffman

Ian B. Wall

Sushil C. Jain

W. Reed Johnson

Warren E. Keene

Hugh Kendrick

Andrew C. Klein

John Landis

Harry Lawroski

Michael J. Lineberry

John R. Longenecker

Gail H. Marcus

Thomas P. McLaughlin

Thomas E. Mistler

Sherry A. Mitchell

Toshio Morita

Mitsuyo Morita, in memory of Dr. Toshio Morita

R. Don Mothena

William L. Myers

William F. Naughton

E. Gail de Planque

Edward L. Quinn

Joseph J. Ruggiero

Stephen P. Schultz

Sarita Sehgal

William T. Sha

Arkal S. Shenoy

Rachel N. Slaybaugh

Kurt M. Taylor

Roger W. Tilbrook

Beverly Ann Tyreman

Valerie L. Putman

Ian B. Wall

Alan E. Waltar

John C. Williams

Brian N. Woolweber

Loyd A. Wright

Natalie Ann Yonker

2024 ANS Champions Honor Roll

Thank you to the following donors whose support helps further the Society’s mission to advance, foster, and spur the development and application of nuclear science, engineering, and technology to benefit society.

Patrons — $500+

Jacob Anderson

Steven Arndt

Carol Berrigan

Jeffrey Buczek

Keith Bullen

Barry Butterfield

Terri Cameron

Kenneth Canavan

John Conant

Alan Cox

Jay DiMaggio

Vincent Esposito

Audeen Fentiman

Richard Gillem

Tsahi Gozani

Gerald Grandey

Robert Halstead

W. Reed Johnson

Raymond Juzaitis

Alan Levin

Max De Long

John Longenecker

Phyllis Lovett

Brian Mays

Thomas Mehlhorn

Warren Miller

Edward Moses

William Myers

Joseph Naser

Kevin O'Kula

Luis Reyes

Charles Richardson

Paul Rohr

Laura Scheele

Loren Schmid

Stephen P Schultz*

Ting-Leung Sham

Charles Slater

Russell Stachowski

John Williams

Natalie Yonker

Benefactors — $250–$499

Christina Back

Ann Bisconti

Willis Bixby

David Black

Gilbert Brown

Alex Burkart

Ralph Cerbone


Heather J. M. Chichester*

Daniel Churchman

Jeff Combs

Frank Dennis Coon, III*

Frank Dennis Coon

Gregory Corzine

Lawrence Drbal

Kenneth Ewell

James Fancher

James Fici

Michael Ford

Donald Hall

J. Stephen Herring

Charles Hogg

Angelina Howard

Eric Jackson

Gordon Jarvinen

Timothy Johnson

Andrew Kadak

William Kennedy

Wayne Kleppe

Maria Korsnick

Steven Krahn

Jay Kunze

David Lawson

Sama Bilbao y Leon

Kenneth Lewis

Donald Lincoln

Greg Mason

John McGaha

Natalie McIntosh

John Miller

Steven Nesbit

Peter Newby

Shawn Pautz

W. David Pointer

Nancy Ranek

E. James Reinsch

Bill Schaab

Glenn Sjoden

Andrew Smetana

David Smith

Rebecca Steinman

John Stevens

Michael Stimac

Bryan Tolmachoff

Paul Wilson

Andrew Wysong

Gary Zeigler

Advocates — $100–$249

Rodney Adams

Ron Adamson

Nusret Aksan

Georgette Alexander-Morrison

Stephen Bajorek

Kimberly Beecher

Danny La Belle

Paul Benneche

Frederick Benton

Mark Bezilla

Thomas Boyce

Donald Brindle

Ann Tyson Campbell

William Campbell

Roger Mc Candless

Eugene Carbaugh

Stylianos Chatzidakis

Bill Conklin

David Costa

Michael Coyle

Douglas Crawford

Samuel Dechter

Mark DeHart

Roger Dilmore

Michael Dunn

Jan Van Erp

Louise Evans

Thomas Fanning

Jeffrey Favorite

Robert Ferguson

R. Arthur Forster

Ronald Fraass

Maria Gavrilas-Guinn

Joshua Gogolski

Garry Gose

William Halsey

John Hamawi

Tanya Hamilton

Ann Hansen

Jeffrey Harper

Sterling Harrison

Troy Hedger

Frank Helin

John Hendricks

Robert Hess

Thomas Hickey

Greg Hobson

Deidra Hodges

Joe Hough

James Hultz

Richard Hyland

Eric Jebsen

Hank Jenkins-Smith

Geoffrey Kaiser

Michael R. Kansler

Kenneth Keith

Walter Kirchner

Dana Knee

Dale Knutson

William Kohlroser

David Lam

Christina Leggett

Gordon Lipscy

Walter De Lise

Robert Little

dan livingstone

Richard Loretz

Jean-Francois Lucchini

Michael Marler

Robert Maurer

Frank McDougall

Harold McFarlane

Eric Meils

Donald Moen

James Morman

Michael Nelson

Theodore Nichols

Walter Nodean

James Painter

Larry Patterson

Robert Penn

Robert Plappert

Marvin Raber

Ronald Reder

Roger Reynolds

J. Patrick Rhone

Jeannie Rinckel

Ross Robinson

Wayne Romberg

Gary Rosenbloom

James Rowland

Sagid Salah

Kenneth Schultz

Thomas Silko

Mike Singh

Roger Sit

LaRon Smith

James Snelgrove

Herbert Spierling

David Stahl

Victor Sterner

Howell Stroup

Ronald Suarez

David Tateosian

Justin Thomas

Nick W. Touran

Nicholas Tsoulfanidis

Daniel Wilkins

Roger Williams

David Wilson

Ann Winters

Serkan Yilmaz

Erwin Zoch

Supporters — Up to $99

James Adkins

Kelly Aldrich

Allan Aldridge

Benjamin Amiri

Edward Armstrong

Khalil Asal

Robert Austin

Sven Bader

Karen Barcal

John Barry

Henry Berry

Sandra Birk

J. Stewart Bland

Evaristo Bonano

Oum Keltoum Bouhelal

Joseph Braun

Karl Britsch

Forrest Brown

James Byrne

William Cabaniss

Michel Call

Sten Caspersson

Sacit Cetiner

Douglas Chambers

TuChiang Chen

Ian Cook

Stephen Cook

Timothy Crook

Richard Crowe

Gabriel Cuevas-Vivas

Garth Cummings

Charles Daily

Richard Denning

Nils Diaz

Pratap Doshi

Rik Droke

Robert Duckworth

Norman Dyer

Jeffrey Eakin

Leila El-Wakil

Ronald Ellis

George Englesson

Joseph Erb

Mike Farrar

Herbert Feinroth

Carl Fields

Michael Fikani

James Flaherty

Mark Flaherty

Emmet Forbis

Tony Gabriel

Norman Garner

Nicholas Gentile

James Gilmer

Larry Girvin

Joseph Graf

Nicholas Gramling

Austin Green

Andrew Griffith

Edwin Groover

Kathleen Gruetzmacher

Bruce Hack

Micah Hackett

Phillip Haga

James Hagan

Douglas Hambley

Tom Hannigan

Charles Hansford

Richard Harrington

Roger Harshbarger

Anthony Hechanova

John Hefler

Michael Joseph Hibbard

Karen Hogue

Scott Holstad

John Hummer

Strang Inc.

Richard Ivany

Michael James

Gary Jones

Joseph Kanney

William Kastenberg

Steven Kline

Peter Kuck

Ernestine Kuhr

Stephen LaMont

Richard Lanza

Stanley Levinson

Sten Lundberg

Thomas Magette

Lawrence Mangan

Mike Marcuccilli

Jerold Marks

Michael May

Thomas McComas

Gerry McCormick

F. Joseph McCrosson

Barry McElmurry

Natalie McIntosh

Elia Merzari

Gary Mignogna

George Miller

Hirokazu Minato

Frank Miraglia

Jill Mitchell

Eben Mulder

Evelyn Mullen

Steve Murano

Marc Nadeau

Toru Nakatsuka

Kenneth Naugle

Patrick O'Rourke

David Orr

Tau Ou

Douglas Packard

Francis Patti

Damian Peko

Charles Pennington

Jeffrey Philbin

Vladimir Pokorny

Kancharla Prasad

Francesc Puig

Christopher Putre

Jeffrey Randorf

Jose Reyes

John Richardson

Reginald Ronningen

Greg Rueger

Glenn Rushworth

Jeffrey Ryman

Wendell Seaborg

Volkan Seker

Howard Shaffer

Kashmir Singh

Jerome Solberg

Charles Sparrow

Edward Stehulak

Harold Stiles

William Szymczak

George Tessler

Frank Thiel

Justin Thomas

Roger Tilbrook

E.T. Tomlinson

Nick Touran

Pavel Tsvetkov

Richard Vilim

John Wacker

James Waldo

William Ward

Michael Webb

Roger Weber

William Weeks

Thomas Wendeln

Jeremy Whitlock

Robert Wolfgang

Yasunori Yamanaka

Jinan Yang

Michael Yates


2024 NSTOR Honor Roll

2024 ANS-ENS Ukrainian Nuclear Workers Humanitarian Fund Honor Roll

Corporate Gifts


Individual Gifts

Leon Cizelj

Gregory Corzine

Masatoshi Kawashima

Anya Konstantinovsky

Ernestine Kuhr

Jean-Francois Lucchini

Martin Mandelberg

Austin Meredith

Steven Nesbit

Sergey Nikitenko

Kevin O'Kula

Jaén Ocádiz

Kirk Peterman

Adolf Rydl

Alden Ryno

Alberto Talamo

Kamil Tucek

2024 ANS Newswire Fund Honor Roll

2024 Local and Student Section Challenge Honor Roll

Individual Gifts


Andrew Campbell

William Kennedy

Maria Korsnick

Donald Todd

Thank you to more than 200 additional individuals who donated up to $99.

2024 Center for Nuclear Science and Technology Information Honor Roll

Thank you to the following donors whose contributions support the Center’s education and outreach efforts that inform, engage, and inspire audiences across the country, including educators, students and the public.

Government Gifts


U.S. Department of Energy-DC

Corporate Gifts


Constellation Generation

Thank you to the additional corporation that donated up to $999.
Thank you to the additional corporation that donated up to $99.

Individual Gifts


David Black

Heather J. M. Chichester

Carol Cise

Jeffrey Favorite

William Kennedy

Maria Korsnick

Thank you to more than 200 additional individuals who donated up to $99.

Organization Gifts

Thank you to the additional organizations that donated up to $99.

2024 Scholarships and NEED Honor Roll

2024 Scholarships Honor Roll

Thank you to the following donors whose contributions help provide the financial resources needed for undergraduate and graduate students to begin or continue their academic studies within a variety of nuclear fields.

Individual Gifts


Donald Brindle

John C. Browne

Andrew Casella

Heather J. M. Chichester

Jeffrey Favorite

Barry Ganapol

Taber Hersum

Thomas Hickey

William Kennedy

Maria Korsnick

Deokjung Lee

Matthew Marzano

Christopher Perfetti

Robert Prieto

Stuart Slattery

Zachary Stankowski

Donald Todd

Robert Joseph Zerr

Thank you to more than 300 additional individuals who donated up to $99.

Organization Gifts


American Society of Mechanical Engineers, in memory of Barry Sloane

2024 NEED Honor Roll

Thank you to the following donors whose contributions help provide the financial resources needed for undergraduate and graduate students to begin or continue their academic studies within a variety of nuclear fields.

Individual Gifts

Thank you to the individual who donated up to $99.

2024 Annual Fund Honor Roll

Thank you to the following donors whose contributions to ANS help support the annual operations of the Society, furthering our mission and important work.

Individual Gifts


Margaret S.Y. Chu


Toshio Morita

Mitsuyo Morita, in memory of Dr. Toshio Morita


Robert C. Webb


Terri Cameron

Michael L. Corradini, in memory of John Kelly

Rebecca Smith-Kevern, in memory of John Kelly

Ronald Suarez

Richard Taft, in memory of John Kelly

Bao-Wen Yang, in memory of John Kelly

Organization Gifts

Thank you to the additional organization that donated up to $99.

2024 Giving Tuesday Honor Roll

Mary Anthony
National Museum of Nuclear Science & History
Reginald Ronningen
Shawn Connors

2024 Corporate Matching Honor Roll

Thank you to the following companies that have matched their employees’ contributions to ANS in support of the Society’s work.

Foundation Gifts



Legacy Circle Honor Roll

Thank you to the following donors for their lead support, honoring their commitment to ANS and to the nuclear field while helping to ensure the Society continues to advance nuclear science and technology.

President's Circle

William T. Sha — $20,000

With his lead Legacy Circle gift, William T. Sha continues his longstanding commitment to ANS. William joined the Society in 1964 and in 1984, he became an ANS Fellow, one of our highest honors. According to the Fellow nominating committee, William has “a distinguished record of achievement as the original thinker… of codes representing a quantum jump for advancing understanding of very complex physical processes.” Read more...

Valerie L. Putman

Individual Gifts

Jacob W. Anderson

Steven M. Baker

Sidney A. Bernsen

Sidney have been actively involved in many phases of the nuclear power program, starting in November 1952 when Sidney graduated From Purdue University with a PhD. During that period Sidney worked at Argonne National Laboratory for five years and was initially involved in the evaluation of nuclear reactors for the dual purpose of providing plutonium and power. Read more...

David L. Black

Robert D. Busch

Stuart G. Carpenter

Yoon I. Chang

ANS Fellow and member since 1972, started his career in the nuclear field at the Nuclear Assurance Corporation in 1971. He joined Argonne National Laboratory in 1974 and has been responsible for leadership of advanced reactor design and fuel cycle technology development activities in position of increasing responsibility including Read more...

John F. Conant

Eugene N. Cramer

An ANS member for nearly 60 years, Eugene Cramer founded the Emergency Communications Center for the San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station.

H. L. (Lee) Dodds, in honor of Pietro F. Pasqua

Still finding time to educate college students about nuclear energy, longtime ANS member H.L. (Lee) Dodds takes pride in guiding his students onto prosperous careers. Read more...

Vincent J. Esposito, in honor of R.A. Dannels

A 50-year member of ANS, Vincent J. Esposito has served on the Society’s committees and divisions, and spent a year as the ANS Congressional Fellow. Read more...

Charles Forsberg

Eugene S. Grecheck

Bruce Hallbert

Margaret E. Harding

I’ve been in the nuclear field for nearly 43 years. My involvement has spanned industry, academia, and government. I’ve spent my career working on BWR fuel and licensing, safety analysis, and export control considerations as well as making nuclear communications a serious “hobby.” Read more...

Kenneth G. Hukari

Sushil C. Jain

Jain was the President and CEO of Empyrean until his retirement in May, 2022. He has served as an executive consultant in the energy industry on national and international levels. He has also served as a chairman and member of several safety review and oversight boards. He has been a long term benefactor/member of ANS and member of the US Nuclear Industry Council D&D Task Force. Read more...

Hugh Kendrick, in honor of J.R. (Bob) Beyster

Longtime ANS member Hugh Kendrick impacted the nuclear field with his contributions to nuclear materials safeguards and nuclear nonproliferation, thanks to the mentor he honors with his gift, J.R. (Bob) Beyster. Read more...

Andrew C. Klein

Dr. Klein is a professor in the School of Nuclear Science and Engineering at Oregon State University and serves on the Board of Directors for the American Nuclear Society. He has been a member of the faculty at Oregon State University since 1985. Read more...

Jacob M. Kulangara

Robert Lebo

John C. Lee

Warren F. Miller, Jr.

Tom and Joan Mistler, in honor of William Kimel

Joining ANS in the early 1960s, Thomas Mistler spent his career at Westinghouse Electric Company where he helped lead innovation, global expansion, government relations, and customer service. Read more...

Toshio Morita

William L. Myers

Hisashi Ninokata

Mark W. Noakes

Kevin R. O'Kula

Arvind D. Patel

Kenneth S. Petersen

H. Peter Planchon

Michael Z. Podowski

An ANS Fellow, Dr. Podowski's research and educational efforts have always been on promoting critical thinking to maximize scientific evidence behind any proposed new solutions in all areas of his interest. Read more...

John W. Poston, Sr.

Lifetime member John W. Poston, Sr. has been part of the ANS family for more than 40 years. Read more...

Edward L. Quinn

D. V. Rao

Raymond Sartor

Laura Scheele

A. Edward Scherer

An honorary life member, A. Edward Scherer has been an ANS member for more than 50 years. He is a participant of the Society’s Nuclear Installations Safety and Operations & Power professional divisions.

Michael J. Wallace

Robert C. Webb

William Arthur Wharton, III

Natalie Ann Yonker

George Zimmerman



Anonymous, in honor of Gerald P. Stone


2024 ANS Future Fund Honor Roll

* Donation was made in the previous calendar year.